Define the Law of attraction: "Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about"John Demartini. A conversation with Dr. Larry Goodman and Martin Casado on the interpretation/ definition over the years and the many names this law has been called, or our illusion of it, the real deal you need for this law to actually manifest. What is a drawback or detriment of following certain “motivation speakers or coaches” who OM you into the attraction aspect but don’t really tell you the real secret is idea and take action?
We talk about Dr. Goodman's mentor was featured in the movie ‘THE SECRET’ and it was all about manifesting your “LAW ATTRACTION” yet when I saw Demartini live he talked about all that they edited out for the masses to understand?
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Know that Discipline shall set you free.
So much more.
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Get our book written by Martin Casado in collaboration with Dr. Goodman called "Friday's with Goodman" available on Amazon: